
Crew is the title given to a variety of roles that are vital to making the city happen:

Hot Chocolate runners-- these people deliver hot chocolate to our shopkeepers twice during each evening performance.

Cider Booth workers and servers-- this crew makes and serves our famous Bethlehem Walk cider to our visitors

Sound and Lights-- these people make the city sounds and atmosphere happen.

Torches-- Light the torches, turn on and off the propane tanks. check for extinguished torches throughout the performances

Collection helpers-- collect and secure donations

Counters-- count the people as they enter the city.

Main Gate keeper-- crowd control on city entrance near preschool playground

Trash collectors-- valued help to keep trash out of the city

Nursery-- keep littlest folk safe and warm and entertained.

Parking-- both at Davis Elementary and Mountain View parking lots keep folks safe and spaces filled.