Generic lines:
Have you signed the census, yet?
Shalom, welcome weary traveler. Have you journeyed far?
Do not forget to pay your taxes.
I have seen the Roman soldiers carrying off those who refused to pay their taxes.
Beware of the Roman soldiers they are in a foul mood this night.
Keep your valuables and children close to you. There are rumors that the Romans sell small children to the Phoenicians as slaves.
I do not know the answer to that question. Perhaps the rabbi would know. He is in the synagogue and is a wise and learned man. Or maybe the scribe, he can read and write in four languages
Shop Specific Lines:
No room at the inn. Move along.
I just sent a young woman and her husband to the only place I had left, a stable outside the city where they could stay with the sheep and their donkey.
She was great with child and quite weary from the journey.